Broadcasting From Home Podcast 63
Imagine that, three podcasts in the last month! Looks like Scrappy’s back with a vengeance. Either that or he’s an old sad bastard with little more to do on a Sunday than to produce a podcast while the rest of the world is out having fun with their sweeties. This… Listen ⇢
Broadcasting From Home Podcast 62 – Under The Covers Vol. 4
A mere week after the last podcast, it’s time for eveyone’s favorite BFH – yes, it’s time for Under The Covers Volume 4. This edition of Under The Covers features covers tunes from the likes of J Mascis, Ben Folds, Petula Clark, Ol’ Dirty Bastard, Telly Salvas, Rufus Wainwright, and… Listen ⇢
Broadcasting From Home Podcast 61
I know, I know, the freakin’ world is falling apart, and every time you look up, Der Führer is trying to take away the rights that has defined America for the past 240 years. But if you need a safe haven from the shit show that is America right now,… Listen ⇢
Broadcasting From Home Podcast 60
Scrappy knows that most of you are probably feeling sad and scared these days, and where he can’t solve the bigger issues going on in the U.S., he can help distract you with some lovely music meant to raise your spirits. Come join Scrappy on Love Street and enjoy some… Listen ⇢
Broadcasting From Home Podcast 59
Autumn is here in the Northeast which means it’s time to crank up the good music and get your groove on in the living room with Scrappy and this week’s podcast. This week’s podcast features new music from Bob Weir, Les McCann & Eddie Harris, Trio Mocotó, Yusef Islam, The… Listen ⇢
Broadcasting From Home Podcast 58
Hard to believe it’s been six months since the last podcast, why it only feels like it’s been five and a half. After being trapped in a underground bunker in the Clinton compound in Chappaqua NY, Scrappy’s back with an all new podcast. Podcast number 58 features music from the… Listen ⇢
Broadcasting From Home Podcast 57
Tonight Is Oscar night, but why watch when you know you’ll just end up disappointed and annoyed? Instead why don’t you join Scrappy, fire up the speakers, and listen to the mighty Wurlitzer roar. This week’s podcast features music from MGMT, Sammy Davis Jr, (SAMMY!), Brian Wilson, Dale Hawkins, Count… Listen ⇢
Broadcasting From Home Podcast 56
Welcome to the first Broadcasting From Home Podcast of 2016. Scrappy starts of the podcast with a tribute to the great David Bowie, and features a set of hidden gems, great songs from great artists that somehow never made the mark they should have. Featuring music from David Bowie, Seu… Listen ⇢
Broadcasting From Home Podcast 55
With Thanksgiving upon us, Scrappy serves up a brand new holiday themed podcast. That’s right, Thanksgiving is the time when families gather and it often drives people to drink and to take drugs. Yup, In honor of turkey day, this week’s podcast features music all about drugs and alcohol. This… Listen ⇢
Meet the podcast host, Naomi Ellis.
Join Naomi's warm insights that turn complex biographies into relatable stories that inspire and educate the public.