• Stat of the Day

    Via Caleb we have the (very sad) stat of the day: Justice Clarence Thomas sat through 68 hours of oral arguments in the Supreme Court’s current term without uttering a word. […] The last time Thomas asked a question in court was Feb. 22, 2006, in a death penalty case… Listen ⇢

  • Meet Jonah Kraft

    Last week, my dear friends, Aaron and Lidia, had their first child. Jonah Forrest Kraft was born Thursday, April, 5 2007 at 12:26 am. Less than a week old, Jonah is already an exceptional young man. Not only is he beautiful, and blessed with two of the kindest and most… Listen ⇢

  • Play Ball (Lets Go Mets)!

    Game 7 of the NLCS last fall broke my heart. Not because Carlos Betran’s called 3rd strike ended the Mets season and hopes for another World Series. It broke my heart because it crushed Jeremy. You see, we had tickets to game three of a Mets World Series game. The… Listen ⇢

  • Amazon Seeks to Fill Classical Recording Niche

    The closure of Tower Records has been bad news for classical fans. Where do classical music lovers go now to find their recordings. Certainly not to Best Buy and Circuit City. You would think that it would a great opportunity for the once great but now feeble Borders Books and… Listen ⇢

  • National Poetry Month

    Once again it’s April. which can only mean one thing – National Poetry Month. If you’d like to get a new poem in your email box first thing every day for the month of April, head over to Knopf’s Poem-a-Day site and sign up. Let’s get thing started with: THE… Listen ⇢

  • Back After Downtime

    Some you might have noticed that the site was down for a week or so – sorry about that. I was doing an upgrade to the blogging software that runs the site, and I somehow got FUBARed. I know not having daddyo around might have proved traumatic to some of… Listen ⇢

  • Why The Democrats Don’t Deserve to Win in 2008

    For the past couple of years, I’ve been staying away from long commentary here on daddyo. I have done that partly out of laziness, but more because I have not taken the time to collect or cogently express my thoughts on weighty issues. Now that I’m back in school and… Listen ⇢

  • Best Mac Ad Ever?

    While I’m certainly not a member of the Mac fan club, I do appreciate their marketing campaigns. Maybe I’m too much of a geek, but to my mind, this ad just might be the best Mac ad ever. Listen ⇢

  • Twisted Trailers

    From Caleb we have this link to UtterlyBoring.com and their posting of trailers for “When Harry Met Sally” and “Sleepless in Seattle” as creepy horror flicks. Listen ⇢

Meet the podcast host, Naomi Ellis.

Join Naomi's warm insights that turn complex biographies into relatable stories that inspire and educate the public.