Want To Understand The Financial Crisis?
From Robin we have the following: Hey, want to actually feel like you understand why the financial system is falling apart? Want to understand the commercial paper market and credit debt swaps? You gotta listen to this week’s This American Life. It’s a free download at iTunes or you can… Listen ⇢
Aaron Sorkin as James Carville – If Only Obama Would Listen
From Robin we have this brilliant link to a Maureen Dowd Op-Ed piece where “West Wing” creator Aaron Sorkin documents what would happen if Barak Obama showed up at (fictional) former President Jeb Bartlet’s door asking for advice. The bottom paragraph so articulately says what many of the left feel,… Listen ⇢
Umm, That Was Added In The 50’s Sarah
It occurs to me that as a leftist blogger, by posting so many items related to Sarah Palin, I am merely doing own little bit as an American to add to the deafening cry that Sarah Palin makes Dan Quayle look like an intellectual powerhouse. Our latest post has to… Listen ⇢
How to Open a Champagne Bottle with a Sword
Listening to the news, it seems a given that the complete collapse of modern society is imminent. This how-to might come in handy as we resort to feudal times and plunder the remains of Western Civilization. Listen ⇢
Sarah Palin – Political Idol
Via Robin, we have this very insightful assessment from Brian Lambert on the Sarah Palin phenomenon Having witnessed the Palin “effect” firsthand at the Xcel last week, I have to tell you the most apt comparison that crossed my mind was American Idol. Watching the Republicans react to Palin—whom 99… Listen ⇢
Steinem on Palin
From Carrie we have this open letter from Gloria Steinem on the choice of Sarah Palin as veep: September 4, 2008 Here’s the good news: Women have become so politically powerful that even the anti-feminist right wing — the folks with a headlock on the Republican Party — are trying… Listen ⇢
McCain Voicemail to Palin
Thanks to Caleb’s tip, we have this brilliant Huffington Post parody of a voicemail from McCain to Sarah Palin. I’m sure that many might think this is real. What does that say? Listen ⇢
No New Youtube Videos on Daddyo
To my children who last spring gave me a hard time for posting yet another youtube video here at Daddyo, I’d like to point out that I have not posted one all summer. So There! Listen ⇢
The Towering Mess That is Michigan Stadium
The end of August in Ann Arbor means the coming of college football season. And the start of the new season means the resumption of football Saturdays. As someone who lives a couple of blocks from Michigan Stadium, the dawning of a football season means one thing, testosterone, hordes of… Listen ⇢
Meet the podcast host, Naomi Ellis.
Join Naomi's warm insights that turn complex biographies into relatable stories that inspire and educate the public.