Let me see, “liberal” Michigan Senator Carl Levin last year voted for the war in Iraq. When I wrote a letter to his office, the response I got was, “too late to stop now, let’s just support the troops”. Two weeks ago Levin along with Michigan Senator Debby Stabenow were part of the 95-3 vote to approve the appointment of John Negroponte as ambassador to Iraq. (Negroponte’s tenure as ambassador to Honduras from 1981 to 1985 earned him a reputation for supporting widespread human rights abuses and campaigns of terror.)
Looks like the real liberals live in the House. The more I see, the more I think that it’s almost impossible to be a Senator and have any sort of real moral compass. Wait, no. It seems like their moral compass comes into play when the opposition is in trouble, and then it’s easy to criticize them. It’s then you can ride high on your moral horse the way Levin does now in criticizing the President on his actions in Iraq. The dude supported the damn war last year, so Carl, stop talking out of both sides of your mouth.
Sorry to rant, sometimes you just need to get it out of your system.
The original point of this post was to tell you to check out the text of the letter from (Michigan) Rep. John Conyers to Chairman Sensenbrenner concerning Allegations of recent false statements from the DOJ to the Supreme Court.