Broadcasting From Home Logo
Why is the podcast going up on a Wednesday and not a Sunday you ask? Why Daddyo was hacked and Scrappy just got everything up and running. Yes that’s right – hacked! Michigan Governor Rick Snyder tried to take over the way he’s taken over the town of Benton Harbor. But Scrappy fought back against the jackboot of tyranny and once again and Broadcasting From Home are back on the air with a message of freedom and great music.

Now that the show is finally up, this week’s podcast is entitled Pop Goes The Podcast! That’s right, this week’s podcast features all sorts of fun, upbeat, offbeat and jangly music. Featuring pop gems from Ben Folds, Paul Westerberg, Jump, Queen, Spoon and other bands with one word names, come join Scrappy with this week’s mix of pop delights.

Podcast also available on PocketCasts, SoundCloud, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, and RSS.

The Podcast

Join Naomi Ellis as she dives into the extraordinary lives that shaped history. Her warmth and insight turn complex biographies into relatable stories that inspire and educate.

About the podcast