I get why people enjoy and use Twitter, Twitter just never held any interest for me. Maybe now that His Holiness, The Dalai Lama is now using Twitter, I just may give it a try. How cool would it be to know that HH is heading out for a cup of tea with some other monks over in Dharamsala. Maybe we’ll learn that HH can kick butt in MariovKart.
Just as I have been slow to get Twitter, I was also slow to get Facebook. I had a Facebook account for two years and had not done anything with it until my older Brother, John suggested that we use it as a way to stay in touch. Well that was all I needed, and now Facebook is part of my daily routine. Perhaps it can be the same with Twitter. Say I’m having a hard day and need some support because my shenpa is causing me to act out. I’ll just twitter HH and see what HH thinks. Say I need a little support that day, just send out that info on Twitter, and then HH and the rest of my posse can do some Matri for me. I like that idea.