Over the past few years I’ve taken delight in working in the garden and have taken a few sections of lawn and have turned them into garden plots. Last fall, after getting their catalog in the mail, I placed an order from Four Seasons Nursery. Given their very low prices, I put in a order for hostas, rose of sharons, lilacs, lillies and more. After planting them all last fall and waiting for the results to show this spring, I understand why the plants from Four Seasons Nursery are so inexpensive, almost everything they sent me died.

Stupid me for not having done more homework before ordering from this nursery, because had I looked around a bit more, I would have found the Garden Watchdog section of the site Dave’s Garden which is filled with pages and pages of complaints from customers who’ve had the same experience I’ve had. With a scant 29% positive rating and 138 negative ratings on the site, Four Seasons appears to be barely more than a scam.

While I may never get living plants from these guys, I hope that people searching for infomation on Four Seasons Nursery will come across this post and not order from them.

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