Amazingly enough, a whole decade has passed since went live. During those early days of the commercial web, I was running a one person webs shop specializing in setting up sites for musicians. Working long hours in the basement while learning the intricacies of Photoshop 3, I built the first sites for Garnet Rogers, Lucy Kaplansky The Ark (Ann Arbor’s legendary music venue), Oasis Recording and Cantoo Records among others.
My days as one person shop were mercilessly short and although I soon went to work for a large web firm here in Ann Arbor, I continued to do jobs on the site throughout the rest of the 90’s. Sadly, sat unused for a couple of years until I decided to jump into the then fledgling world of blogging and in 2001, the site as we know it was born.
It’s quite embarrassing to look back at that first version of the site. In those early days, I thought that textured backgrounds were the be-all end-all as were animated gifs. Thankfully those days are long gone.
A ten year anniversary seems a good time to look backwards while discussing the changes in the web during the past decade while casting an eye towards Web 2.0, which is now hitting critical mass. But I’m not here to write that essay, I’m just laying here in bed trying to get this post up before midnight.