There are lots of wonderful features about, but the one I use and rely on the most is their product reviews. Over the years Amazon has built up a huge database of user product reviews and these reviews are an indispensable tool when looking at products. Take this weekend for instance…
I am tired of always borrowing my 11 year-old son Jeremy’s ipod mini when I go running, so I’m always on the look for a low priced mp3 player with a decent amount of storage. This weekend while looking through the Circuit City ad, I saw the Go Video Rave-MP 2.5 GB player for $99! A 2.5 gig MP3 player with an FM tuner for under $100 certainly caught my eye and so the first place I turned was Amazon to see what others are saying about the product.
According to users over at Amazon, the reason the Go Video Rave-MP 2.5 is so cheap is that it’s a total piece of crap. I knew the $99 price tag was too good to be true and it’s much nicer to find out the skinny via the woes of others rather than buying one myself.