My son Jeremy just finished working on a project in his 4th grade class where the kids perform research, build a product and then report on the process. Jeremy and some friends decided to work on a prototype of a video game console. As part of the research, the kids were required to write to a company to get information to help with the product they’re working with. Jeremy’s partner wrote to Nintendo to find out more about the Game Cube while wrote to Microsoft to find out more about the X-box.
Every day at school after he wrote Microsoft, Jeremy anxiously awaited a reply from the giant company. Meanwhile kids in the class start to get responses. One kid got a letter from the desk of Roy Disney, another got a letter signed by the CEO of Nike. Jeremy’s research partner got a package from Nintendo filled with information. One kid who wrote Porche was rewarded when a local dealership drove a Porsche Boxster over to the school so the kids in the class could see the car in person. Meanwhile Jeremy (not so) patiently waits to hear back from Microsoft.
Finally Jeremy hears from Microsoft in the form of having his letter being returned with a sticker placed by Microsoft saying that specific address information was needed before they would deliver the letter. I should mention that the letter was sent to Microsoft Headquarters and was clearly written in a kids handwriting with a return address of Jeremy’s school. Clearly Microsft could not be bothered to open a letter from a child and returned it.
In talking about the incident, I asked Jeremy learned from the experience. He told me that he learned that a big company like Microsoft doesn’t care about helping kids and that the companies the other kids wrote did care about kids. I’m really proud that Jeremy was able to come to that conclusion.
All I could think about was that day after day Jeremy was hoping waiting to hear from Microsoft and each day he was disappointed not to hear anything back. Meanwhile other kids got these packages in the mail. Hmmm, wonder what kind of brand loyalty Jeremy will have towards Microsoft.
Actually I’m planning to write Bill Gates’ office to fill them in with this little public relations snafu. I wonder what they will have to say about it. If I hear back from Microsoft I’ll let you know what they say.