Today on the NPR show “Fresh Air”, the famous interview with Gene Simmons is being re-broadcast.
For those of you who haven’t heard about the interview, you can read a selected transcript here.
To give you a taste, here’s a section of the transcript:
TG : Now, clothes that you’ve worn on stage. You wear
GS : No, fire your research person, no fish nets
TG : I was sure I’d seen you in them, but I trust you
GS : Don’t ever do that, I’m a man
TG : Let’s get to the studded codpiece — Do you have a
sense of humor about that
GS : No it holds in my manhood, otherwise it would be too
much for you to take. You’d have to put the book down
and confront life. The notion is if you’re going to
welcome me with open arms you also have to welcome me
with open legs