Those of us in Southeast Michigan who are using Comcast Cable as our ISP are experiencing huge problems as they move us from our old Mediaone system. The most difficult part is that Comcast has done a TERRIBLE job of communicating with customers. For the record, if you have received upgrade software from Comcast, THERE IS NO REASON TO INSTALL IT! All you need to do to switch over is to turn off your cable modem for at least 30 seconds to recycle it, reboot your computer, and renew your connection using WINIPCFG. After doing a great deal of work to find info on issues related to the Comcast switchover, here’s some resources for Comcast customers: The best place for information on Comcast is over at DSLReports Comcast Forum. You can find out more here than anywhere else. Wonder where your Mediaone newsgroups went? Comcast never told us how to access them. Here are the servers for each state:
- California – Florida – Georgia – Maryland – Michigan – New Jersey – Pennsylvania – South Carolina – Virginia –
Want to go to the Comcast page to see what drivel they’re sharing today? Click Here Have Comcast switchover info to share? Share it here.